Let’s Turn Up Our Light!
If your soul feels weary, and you’re seeking to turn up your light, I invite you to join this nourishing community and journey with us to live in joy & fuller self expression.
Have you ever felt that feeling, where your heart feels like it is about to shatter into million pieces, the sound of the grief and rage inside you is so powerful that you find it deafening and as though it will burst out of you at any moment?
Have you ever felt stretched so far that you don’t think the fiber of your being can survive it?
Have you ever sobbed so hard- for so long- that you wonder how your body was ever able to hold that all in, or how much is left?
Yes my sweet soul, me too. For so many years, through so many life experiences, and for so damn long.
When someone asks me what feeling helps bring me into harmony with my soul, I have always said it is the warm rays of the early spring sun dancing on my skin, reminding me that those seeds that were planted and buried under the frost, are awakening and ready to spring into bloom, just as each of us are too. If you have ever felt like you had to shrink small, quieten your voice or hold back your truth, then this is your invitation to release those stories and breathe life into the fullest expression of your soul.
I am not here to tell you that I am now fully healed, happy and totally past it all. Truth is the lifetime we come to this planet to lead is a continuous journey of growth, evolution and change. So it’s never really over. There is a way though to make the lows feel far less catastrophic, to find an inner well of regenerating resilience, to find your own truth, power and eventually peace. To transcend above the chaos and lower vibrations to connect deeply into the truth and beauty of your own unique being and to shine that out into the world, every day, even on the really shitty and hard feeling ones.
As a part of my offer for us to meet over a Cup of Sunshine, I am here to share my life experiences, learnings and understandings with you, to help offer you companionship, compassion and support as you navigate the tapestry of your own life. I will help you find solutions to real-time struggles while helping you connect into your own unique sunshine state of being.